
League News


Final Payment Reminder

?Final Payment Reminder?
Anyone with outstanding balances has been emailed (see example below). Players with outstanding balances will not be allowed to continue in any CDMHA activities. Please make arrangements to pay your account in full ASAP.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This is a friendly reminder that your player's registration fees and/ or rep fees is overdue. To avoid any disruption to their hockey season, please settle these outstanding fees by December 1, 2024.
To make a payment, please e-transfer funds to sandra.treasurer.cdmha@gmail.com. Alternatively, if you need to make arrangements for payment, kindly contact Sandra at the same email address to discuss a payment plan.
We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.
Sandra Sabine
on behalf of
Doug Jenkins
2024-2025 CDMHA Hockey Registration Information_Page_08
Dec 2, 2024